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How to stay safe as lockdown eases

As lockdown eases, there will be fewer restrictions and rules on citizens. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the chance of contracting Covid-19 is still real. The risk is inevitable!

More people will return to work in the coming days. People will also be able to meet friends and spend time together. As the chance of coming into close contact with others increases, so does the likelihood of getting infected.

Fortunately, you can take suitable precautions to safeguard against infection and reduce the chances of catching Covid-19.

Here are some of the most effective ways to manage your risk of contracting the virus.
Continue handwashing frequently and thoroughly

Proper handwashing can reduce the chance of contracting viral infections. Make sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water every time you touch a shared surface or return from a public place.

Use a hand sanitizer if soap and water are unavailable. Disinfect your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you do not have access to water when you touch anything in public places.

Keep your distance

Social distancing can considerably control the spread of Covid-19 since it reduces the chances of close contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces. Strictly follow social distancing recommendations, especially if you belong to the high-risk category.

The WHO recommends maintaining at least 1m distance when interacting or sharing space with people who do not stay with you. Plan your outdoor activities like shopping and running errands in such a way that you will have minimal contact with others. The CDC also recommends using cloth face coverings to prevent getting sick.

Limit the number of people you meet and the time you spend with others

It is not only the distance but also the time that you spend in another person’s company that affects your chance of contracting Covid-19. Reduce your risk by limiting face-to-face contact with anyone outside your household.

When you cannot avoid contact, limit the time you spend with others to fifteen minutes or less. Also, remember that you have less chance of getting the virus in an outside space than in an indoor space with limited ventilation.

Avoid using public transport and bathroom facilities

New paragraphWhenever possible, walk, cycle, or drive to your destination instead of using public transport. Most buses and trains are confined spaces with poor air circulation. So, your chances of catching the virus are high if a fellow traveler is infectious. If you must use public transport, cover your face with a mask throughout the time you spend on a bus or train.

Experts also warn against using public bathroom facilities to reduce Covid-19 risk. If you end up having to use them, ensure strict hygiene and sanitization measures to reduce the risk.

As the lockdown rules change, choices become more difficult, and the options are different for everyone. Evaluate your risk to decide when and whether to go outside and mingle with others. Follow government recommendations and guidelines to protect yourself and your community. With the right care and precautions, we can overcome this pandemic sooner!

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